Wednesdays, June 4 - 25, 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm - 4 Sessions
Recreate Animals in Brilliant Color!
Step by step learning approach to paint colorful animals with unique style and colors. Mickey will offer different projects than her previous workshops.
Please read carefully. I have students buy the wrong things and it's so disappointing when they cannot return them as they were opened!
Watercolor Paint: Any quality watercolor paint will work just fine. I am known for my colors so if you want to mimic my colors, I am listing my paints that I will be working with in class (and use consistently with all my art). FYI, I find my students end up buying my paints after our first class as they like them so much so if you don't already have your paint, you may want to consider buying off my list!
Guiry’s, & Meiningers carry my paints locally and they are also available on the internet from Amazon, Jerry’s Artarama & Blick Art Materials. These suppliers are good sources for all my supplies.
Dr. PH Martin Hydrous watercolors: I only use the following colors!
These paints come in sets and not all these colors come in one of the sets so I buy individual bottles of only these colors!
- 5H Quinacridone Magenta
- 9H Cobalt Violet
- 2H Gamboge
- 16H Cobalt Blue
- 1H Hansa Yellow Light
- 8H Ultramarine
- 34H Turquoise Blue
Dr. Ph Martin’s Bleed Proof White
Ecoline liquid watercolor: (this is only used in the last project so I will provide this paint for your use. I am listing the product so you can find it later should you like the process.
- 337 Magenta
- 508 or 522 Blue
Misket: I use Grumbacher liquid frisket (this is be used only in the last lesson)
Frisk Masking fluid remover (also called glue and residue eraser or adhesive remover) If you have a bottle that is old, I recommend replacing it after testing it on a sheet of paper as it goes bad and will tear your paper when you try to remove it from you project.
Art Ruling Pen: (Used in last class only) Available at Amazon.com. 2 pack Kasteco brand is available for $6.99. I bought a supply and if you want to buy one from me the cost is $3.80.
300 lb Watercolor paper. I use Fabriano 300 lb cold press paper. I do not recommend 140 lb paper for my projects. We will work on 8” x 10” paper so be sure to add an extra 1/2” boarder around your paper so you can mount your finished piece! Guirys and Meinigers carries large single sheets that you can cut down to size or you can buy bulk at Jerry’s Artarama for a good price.
Watercolor brushes: Good quality brushes are highly recommended. If you want to try out brushes and get help you can do so at Guirys or Meininger’s. I use Steve Quiller / Richeson Professional 7000 brushes which are good quality and reasonably priced. They are sold at Jerry’s Artarama off the internet and may be found at Meiningers, I'm not sure. For our classes, we will use round size 4 and 6 and a flat 1” or 1.5” watercolor brush (we can share the large flat brush if you don’t have one as it is only used for our last class).
Other Supplies:
I use blue 1” painter masking tape. I use foam board backing board just larger than my sheet of paper. This is available at Michaels or Hobby Lobby. I recommend laying wide packing tape strips over the foam board so the masking tape does not tear the form board and can be reused indefinitely! I find larger size triangular white porcelain tasting plate from World Market works the best for hydrous watercolor paints. I use Vanish brand erasers found at all the art supply places listed above. I use Copic Multi Liner size 0.3. There are several great brands out there but the finer the point the better!
Scrubber brush: This is a very valuable tool that I use on almost every painting I do! I use Royal & Langnickel #2 model Z83SC. I ordered several and if you want, you can buy one from me for $4.50. I will demonstrate the magic of this tool.
Pentel Metallic MED Gel Pen: This pen is sold in dual packs with silver or gold or both. I use the silver pen the most. It's super helpful in doing animal whiskers! Michales and Hobby Lobby carry them.
Tracing paper: Saral graphite transfer paper, 12” roll. MAKE USE TO BUY ONLY THE GRAPHITE TYPE. I buy this from Amazon.
Glue residue Eraser: This is used to lift masking fluid off painting once done. I have several for your use or buy from me.
Finetec Pearlescent, F0600 paint set. This set cost around $28 at Amazon. However, I find I use primarily the Olympic Gold (F0621) or Beach gold which can be purchased separately for around $10.00 from Amazon, Meiningers or Guiry’s. This is optional but it really enhances a painting! We will only use this gold paint in our first lesson.
Click here to download suggested supply list.
I have created art for most of my life, but I actually became a professional artist 15 years ago. I have a strong background in watercolor painting, and I teach a step-by-step approach so that anybody can learn my Methods. I provide the students with tricks of the trade that aren’t often taught by other artists!
I have been very active in the art community since I became a professional artist.
I have participated in numerous shows and I’m currently in two mountain co-op galleries. I have won several awards for my art over the years.
My promise is to help each student achieve their goals and to make the classes fun!
See more about Mickey at https://mickeylafave.com.
Please direct questions to mickeysfineart@gmail.com.
Class will be limited to 20 students so sign up early!
** Photo does not necessarily reflect actual class project but similar concepts!