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Park hill art club

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Promotional Materials for Classes & Workshops

Printable Materials

Below are downloadable files that are set up on a letter-sized page that you can print at home or at a print shop to distribute and promote our upcoming classes & workshops. You can either click on the image or click the link below the image.


Download a PDF version of the Flyer HERE.

Social Media Images

Below are downloadable images that you can post on your social media pages to help to promote our programs. 

To save the files:

If you use a PC, right-click the image and choose to copy the image. You can then paste the image to the place of your choosing on your computer.

If you use a Mac, while holding the Control key, choose "Save Image As" or "Copy Image". Then save the image or paste it on your computer.



Facebook or Instagram Stories


Park Hill Art Club
P.O. Box 200572
Denver, CO 80220

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